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Untamed Night by Rachael Boucker. *Canadian Publisher*

Book Two in the Night Order Series!


Includes a signed bookplate


Trigger Warnings: mentions of sexual assault, torture, death, and violence.


Ships within 7 days of your order (if not bought with an upcoming book box)


About the book:


A prophecy of beauty and untold power.

My sister unleashed her fated magic, and life for witches has never been harder. I am Dellena, the greatest fighter the Night Order has ever bred. A legend who used to inspire fear. Now I’m as hunted as the rest of my kind.

For five years I’ve rescued witches from the men determined to exterminate us.

Now, with my young daughter in tow, I must travel beyond the merciless lands of pyres and bounties into a place of nightmares to reunite with Shade.

I’d feed the world to my axe to reach my sister, but will she want to see me after what I did?

Witches and rogues are endangered species, and with a new enemy emerging from the shadows, I fear our days are numbered.

Untamed Night - Signed Bookplate

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